Monday, December 30, 2019

My Job As A Graduate Assistant - 1599 Words

Since moving to Cincinnati, my job as a graduate assistant has exposed me to many things about this city that never crossed my mind prior to living here. My work has made the transition easier in many regards, and I feel a connection to this city now that makes me more excited for my future career in social work. One agency that we work closely with is UpSpring (, which primarily serves the educational needs of children experiencing homelessness in several different manners. Before working with this organization, the topic of homeless children was relatively foreign to me, and I was quite surprised to learn that the average person experiencing homelessness in the United States is 9-years old (UpSpring, 2015). Like many†¦show more content†¦The second article that addresses children experiencing homelessness focuses more directly on school outcomes. Canfield et al. (2016) found that transience exacerbates school absences, which negatively impacts many other a cademic outcomes. These students are nine times more likely to be truant, which can place their parents at a risk for legal action, and only 25% of this population graduate from high school (Canfield et al., 2016). Negative outcomes are likely impacted by unplanned mobility between schools, as families experiencing homelessness sometimes move between residences quickly and without much warning. Academic achievement suffers within this population, as studies have shown these students to behind their housed peers particularly in reading, spelling, and math (Canfield et al., 2016). Both studies have found little consistency in the literature pertaining to homeless children. Though most agree that homelessness is related to poor outcomes, it is difficult to discern from the research whether homelessness has a bigger effect than chronic poverty on school achievement and attendance (Buckner, 2008; Canfield et al., 2016). This could be because of similarities in living conditions, stress, and experiences, but researchers agree that there needs to be some degree of intervention to mitigate these outcomes (Buckner, 2008; Canfield et al., 2016). The McKinney-Vento Act (MVA) seeks to level the playing field betweenShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of The Program Costs1201 Words   |  5 PagesOverview of Program Costs According to BYU’s website regarding the MSW program, it states that â€Å"our program takes 20 months of full-time study to complete. You will pay tuition five times.† With a tuition of $3,250 a semester for graduate students at BYU, I will need to pay a total of $16,250 of tuition. While the price for books and school supplies is not explicitly stated, I am estimating that it will be an additional $300 per semester, or $1,500 for the five semesters. This would increase theRead More The Gender Wage Gap Essay1385 Words   |  6 Pagesfrom high school and higher education are most often higher than for men. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ralph Waldo Emerson Nonconformity, Integrity, and...

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nonconformity, Integrity, and Self-Reliance Emersons transcendentalism is essentially a romantic individualism, a philosophy of life for a new people who had overthrown their colonial governors and set about conquering a new continent, in hopes of establishing new and unique views. Though Emerson is not a traditional philosopher, the tendency of his thought is toward inward reflection in which soul and intuition, or inspiration, are fundamental. The new American needed less criticism and a rejuvenated sense of personal inspiration. Taking a practical and democratic, yet philosophic interest in all of nature and in individuals of every walk of life. Emerson stresses the potential for genius and creativity in all†¦show more content†¦This deity does not speak to groups but, in radical protestant style, to each person alone to the degree he or she attends to the message. The value Emerson attributes to the messages depends upon the Over-soul being self-sufficing and perfect in every hour. In spite of his individualism, Emersons thought is similar to the romantic nationalism of 19th century Europe, but where this nationalism focused upon collective entities such as a people, their language and culture, Emersons focus is upon the individual. In Self-Reliance he says, it is easy, in the world to live after the worlds opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. Where nationalism stresses the development of an authentic national culture free from foreign influences and takes a collective perspective more or less for granted, Emerson applies a similar approach to each individual. Emerson complains that all men hear the inner voice, but most are too scared due to peer pressure to act upon the intuitions. Society everywhere is a conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. Emerson feels man must work on his own and be diligent and truthful in that work to produce a better society. Man must be willing to take risks instead of conforming to the rules ofShow MoreRelatedSelf-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson: Non Conformity in Thought and Action1519 Words   |  7 Pagesspirituality. These transcendentalists tried to urge their ideas of the significance of the self in spiritual life. American transcendentalism reached its peak in New England in the 1840s under the leadership of Ralph Waldo Emerson. As a former Unitarian minister, Emerson was at the forefront of this movement. He stated the importance of the American individualism in terms of moral and intellectual developments in Self Reliance. His essay supported the essence of the American transcendentalism and urged hisRead MoreTranscendentalism And The American Renaissance1693 Words   |  7 Pagesapart of the American Renaissance reform called, Transcendentalism. The Transcendentalism period which outlined majority of the Renaissance, was led by writer, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Transcendentalism is largely defin ed by the ideals of, religion, self reliance, civil disobedience, individualism, idealism, nonconformity, and nature. Emerson outlined the reform and countless parts of these Transcendentalism ideals, for writers soon to follow this movement. The Norton Anthology of American LiteratureRead MoreAshley Jonas. Bruck. English Iii. 9 February 2017. The1959 Words   |  8 Pagesthing about nonconformity is one gets to be himself. Nonconformity is a principle trait associated in Transcendentalism, an idealistic philosophy that reached its peak in the mid-19th century. Transcendentalists follow five major beliefs that have to do with the way people live their daily lives: nonconformity, self reliance, free thought, confidence, and the importance of nature. Two notable authors and transcendentalists of this time were Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. They wroteRead MoreRalph Waldo Emerson s Dead Poets Society1376 Words   |  6 PagesRalph Waldo Emerson, a leader of the Transc endentalist movement in the nineteenth century, once expresses his opinion on nonconformity when he wrote, â€Å"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.† His words express what many people have aspired to be. These words from Ralph Waldo Emerson highlight the idea of nonconformity which is one of the main pillars of the . Humans, having naturally social instincts, find it challenging toRead MoreAmerican Romanticism : The Highest Expression Of Imagination1721 Words   |  7 PagesAmerican Romanticism is a journey away from the corruption of civilization and the limits of rational thoughts, and toward the integrity of nature and the freedom of imagination. In other words, it is a journey away from industrialism or rationalism, which is working hard and earning money. This movement, originally started in Europe and later reached in America. It can be best defined as a thought that values feeling and intui tion over reason. Some of the characteristics include the importance ofRead MoreUnique Perspective to Teaching: Dead Poets Society Essay992 Words   |  4 Pagesteaching through an English textbook. The lessons that Mr. Keating presents the students reflect the transcendentalist beliefs of Ralph Waldo Emerson found in â€Å"Self-reliance† and influence the students to become more independent thinkers. Mr. Keating teaches his English class in an unconventional fashion which is reflective of the principles in Emerson’s â€Å"Self-reliance†. During the first class, he tells his class to rip out the page that introduces in the English textbook. On this page, the authorRead MoreRelevance Of Transcendentalism1299 Words   |  6 Pagesof the three thematic categories we’ve discussed (Importance of Self-Reliance, Value of Simplicity, or Illusion of Progress) or you may create your own thematic category but I recommend you narrow your focus. American Transcendentalism was an important philosophical and literary movement which placed an emphasis on staying true to one’s beliefs and expressing oneself no matter the situation or consequence. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau fully embraced these beliefs as their influenceRead More The Importance of Non-conformity and Independent Beliefs in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Self-Reliance2779 Words   |  12 PagesIn Ralph Waldo Emerson’s â€Å"Self-Reliance,† Emerson calls for each person in society to be wholly true to themselves. He claims that it is most rewarding to the individual and the society for people to believe in one’s own thoughts and not in the thoughts of others. Emerson believes that conformity will ultimately lead to an individual’s demise because by living for others, people are not being true to themselves. Therefore in order to have a well-formed society, citizens should focus inward andRead MoreEmerson and Tho reau831 Words   |  4 Pagescompanions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.#8221; Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau changed our lives. How? Well, the answer is not so simple as the statement. To understand fully how they affected our lives, we have to understand the philosophy of Emerson and Thoreau, and the relationship between the two. So let#8217;s begin with the relationship between Emerson and Thoreau. Emerson was born in 1803, into a family of ministers. He went to Harvard whereRead MoreRalph Waldo Emerson s Dead Poets Society1214 Words   |  5 Pagesaccomplishment.† Ralph Waldo Emerson’s words describe what many people aspire to be. This idea of nonconformity is one of the main pillars of Transcendentalism. Transcendentalism is one of the main themes in the movie Dead Poets Society directed by Peter Weir. Many characters in the movie display Transcendental ideas. However, it is very difficult with the pressures of society. While Neil’s character in Dead Poets Society initially displays aspects of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Transcendentalist ideas from Self-Reliance

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Aeneid-the Role of Fate Free Essays

Fate is the essential idea of The Aeneid, but more importantly, the underlying force throughout the text. Fate cannot be changed; it is the set of events with the inevitable result. Virgil uses the idea of fate to narrate and advance through his epic poem, but perhaps also to illustrate that the gods had originally intended for Rome to become a great and powerful empire. We will write a custom essay sample on The Aeneid-the Role of Fate or any similar topic only for you Order Now The king of gods, Jupiter, has chosen Aeneas and his preordained path to destiny, by leading the Trojans and creating the foundations for the Roman Empire.However, a variety of gods interfere with Aeneas’s direction of fate in order to satisfy their own desires, only to discover that Aeneas’s fate can be manipulated, but never overturned. Aeneas is born from the gods as a leader of the Trojans, therefore respects the gods and their desires. The gods and goddesses frequently appear to Aeneas, reinstating his fate and the obstacles he must overcome to succeed. Although Aeneas knows what he is destined to achieve, he must make choices and emotional decisions that are incompatible with his fate.Unfortunately, these choices have a negative impact on those closest to Aeneas. For example, if it wasn’t for fate, Aeneas and Dido would have lived out their lives together in Carthage, therefore never founding the city of Rome. However because of fate, Aeneas and his fleet leave Carthage in the middle of the night causing Dido so much despair that she takes her own life. Juno, the queen of the gods, holds a great resentment toward the city of Troy. Particularly due to the fact that Juno knows that her favorite city, Carthage, will one day be destroyed by the descendants of Aeneas. In addition to the destruction of Carthage; Paris, a Trojan, had also elected Venus over Juno as the most beautiful goddess. Juno possesses a great deal of anger toward the Trojans because of this and will stop at nothing from preventing Aeneas from his awaited fate. Once Aeneas and his fleet begin to retreat from their city of Troy, is when Juno begins to unleash her vindictive attempt to stop Aeneas and the Trojans from fulfilling their appointed destiny. Juno calls Aeolus, the god of winds, to bring down a ferocious storm upon Aeneas as he sails out of Troy.Venus immediately gets wind of what Juno is doing and begs her husband, Jupiter, to stop Juno at once. Venus is fearful for her son and questions Jupiter as to why she harbors such hatred for Aeneas. Jupiter explains to Venus that his fate will not be affected from the storm and reiterates the further fates that await Aeneas. My Cytherea, that’s enough of fear; your children’s fate is firm; you’ll surely see the walls I promised you, Lavinium’s city; and you shall carry your carry your great-hearted son, Aeneas, high as heaven’s stars.My will is still the same; I have not changed. Your son (I now speak anxiousness is gnawing at you; I unroll the secret scroll of Fates, awake its distant pages) shall wage tremendous war in Italy and crush ferocious nations and establish a way of life and walls for his own people – until the time of his third summer as the king of Latium, until he has passed three winters since he overcame the Latins (Virgil 10). In order for Aeneas to achieve his destiny he must lose those closest to him. During the burning of Troy, Aeneas searches anxiously for his wife, Creusa.She appears to him later in spirit and notifies him that the gods have high expectations waiting for him elsewhere and he must leave without her. Furthermore, if Aeneas fo und Creusa, they may have both died in Troy or may not have had such a warm welcoming when arriving in Carthage, thus altering his fate and never fulfilling his destiny. Venus is worried about what Juno has planned to sabotage Aeneas’s quest. Fearful that Juno may turn the Phoenicians against Aeneas while residing in Carthage, she sends down her son, Cupid, the god of love, to strike love in the heart of Dido.Venus is unaware of her actions, and Juno sees this as an opportunity to keep Aeneas away from his awaited destiny by marrying Dido and settling in Carthage. Nevertheless, neither Venus nor Juno realizes that Aeneas is compelled to his fate and will eventually leave Dido. Jupiter is observant of Aeneas and Dido’s love affair and decides to send down Mercury to remind Aeneas that his fate does not reside in Carthage and he must leave immediately. Are you now laying the foundation of high Carthage, as servant to a woman, building her a splendid city here?Are you forgetful of what is your own kingdom, your own fate? The very gods, whose power sways both earth and heaven, sends me down to you from bright Olympus. He himself has asked me to carry these commands through the swift air: what are you pondering or hoping for while squandering your ease in Libyan land? For if the brightness of such deeds is not enough to kindle you – if you cannot attempt the task for your own fame – remember Ascanius growing up, the hopes you hold for Iulus, your own heir, to whom are owed the realm of Italy and the land of Rome (Virgil 88). Aeneas is fully aware that his time in Carthage has now come to an end and he must leave Dido, despite of how they feel for each other. Unfortunately for Dido, when she realizes that Aeneas and his fleet are about to sail away, she becomes enraged and can’t bear to live out her life without him. Watching Aeneas and his fleet sail away, Dido feels completely hopeless and is in utter despair. Feeling unable to recover from her second loss in love, she decides her only option is to end her suffering by throwing herself upon Aeneas’s sword.This undoubtedly proves that Aeneas symbolizes Rome, and Dido symbolizes Carthage; confirming the fate of Carthage’s destruction due to Rome. Perhaps the most significant example of the importance of fate in The Aeneid happens in Book VI; the golden branch. Aeneas and his fleet arrive on the coast on Cumae in search of the Sibyl at the Temple of Apollo. Following his father’s instructions, Aeneas asks the Sibyl to gain him entrance to Dis so he may visit his father’s spirit. However, in order to enter Dis with any possibility of returning, Aeneas must first locate a sign to gain him access across the Acheron River.The Sibyl then explains to Aeneas that the sign is a golden branch in a nearby forest, if the branch breaks off the tree easily then fate awards Aeneas a pass into the underworld. If the branch does not break off then Aeneas is not destined to go. A bough is hidden in a shady tree; its leaves and pliant stem are golden, set aside as sacred to Proserpina. The grove serves as its screen, and shades enclose the bough in darkened valleys. Only he may pass beneath earth’s secret space who first plucks the golden-leaved fruit of that tree. Lovely Proserpina ordained that this be offered her as gift.And when the first bough is torn off, a second grows again – with leaves of gold, again of that same metal. So let your eyes search overhead; and when the bough is found, then pluck it down by hand as due: for if the Fates have summoned you, the bough will break off freely, easily; but otherwise, no power can overcome it, hard iron cannot help to tear it off (Virgil 136). Fate plays a crucial role during this text. Aeneas is lead off into the vast forest by a pair of doves to the preferred tree. Without the doves, it would seem impossible that Aeneas could ever find the golden branch, signifying that fate brought him to the tree undoubtedly.Once at the tree, the golden branch easily breaks off proving that his fate allows him entrance into the underworld. Once arriving into the underworld, Aeneas is brought to his father with the Sibyl to Blessed Groves. This is where Aeneas’s father explains the reason behind his quest to Rome. Aeneas now will understand the profound significance behind his journey to Rome. Aeneas discovers that Romulus, a Trojan descendant, will found Rome and a Caesar will eventually ascend from Ascanius. Also, Aeneas learns that Rome will eventually reach a Golden Age and rule over the world. Aeneas now is fully aware of the destiny that lies before him.Juno understands now that she cannot stop Aeneas from fulfilling his destiny. She is completely aware now that she cannot change his fate and it’s inevitable that Aeneas will one day marry Lavinia. However, Juno is still irate with Aeneas and the Trojans and will stop at nothing from causing Aeneas, and anyone else in her way, a vast amount of pain and suffering. In order to at least delay the foundation of Rome, Juno sends down Allecto to strike anger into the heart of Queen Amata. Allecto then advances to Turnus, provoking the idea of losing his wife, Lavinia, and surrendering to a Trojan King.Thus of course, enrages Turnus inducing a war against the Trojans. If my power is not enough, I shall not hesitate to plead for more, from anywhere; if I cannot bend High Ones, then I shall move hell. I cannot keep him from the Latin kingdoms: so be it, let Lavinia be his wife, as fates have fixed. But I can still hold off that moment and delay these great events, can still strike down the nations of both kings (Virgil 171). In spite of Aeneas’s fate, Venus is still worried about the upcoming war. She insists that Vulcan, the god of fire, supplies Aeneas with new indestructible weapons and armor to add to his advantage.Immediately, Vulcan and his workers begin producing elaborate armor and weapons to aid Aeneas in his upcoming battle. Once finished, Venus appears to Aeneas and presents him with his new beautifully crafted weaponry, armor, and shields. By accepting his new gifts, Aeneas is symbolically embarking on accomplishing his destiny and fate. At last, Juno now fully accepts the fate of Aeneas and the Trojan victory over Turnus and the Latins. Juno is however worried about the safety of Turnus, she now is completely aware that Aeneas outmatches Turnus.She calls upon Juturna, Turnus’s sister, to take heed on Turnus despite knowing that Aeneas will be victorious. Juturna appears to the Latins as a noble officer, swaying the Latins to break off the treaty between the Trojans and convince them to attack while the Trojans are off guard. Once attacking the Trojans off guard triggers an all out war between both sides. By the conclusion of the epic, Juno surrenders to Jupiter, promising him that she will no longer interfere with the fate of Aeneas, however, requests that Latins are able to keep their name and language.This portrays the end to Aeneas’s final obstacle in order to achieve his fate, thus ending the key conflict in The Aeneid. And now I yield; detesting wars, I give them up. And only this – which fates do not forbid – I beg you, for Latium, for your own father’s greatness, for the race of Saturn: when with their happy wedding rites they reach a peace – so be it – when they both unite in laws and treaties, do not let the native-born Latins lose their ancient name, become Trojans, or be called Teucrians; do not make such men change their language or their dress.Let Latium still be, let Alban kings still rule for ages; let the sons of Rome be powerful in their Italian courage. Troy now is fallen; let her name fall too (Virgil 326). Fate is unquestionably the driving force behind The Aeneid. Virgil illustrates efficiently the preordained actions needed for Aeneas to successfully conquer his destiny and achieve his fate. Although Aeneas was compelled to lose a few loved ones and forced to deal with many hardships throughout his destiny, he was still capable of enduring his fate.Despite Juno’s egotistical meddling and interference with Aeneas’s fate, she eventually realizes that fate is inevitable and not even she, a goddess, can prevent someone from accomplishing their destiny. No human or even godly obstructions can alter the fate of another. Throughout the text, Aeneas is shown as great and powerful leader, proving why Jupiter had originally chosen him to found the city of Rome. Works Cited Virgil, The Aeneid of Virgil. Trans. Allen Mandelbaum, 1981. Print. How to cite The Aeneid-the Role of Fate, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Manage Quality Customer Service

Question: Discuss about theManage Quality Customer Service. Answer: Introduction: Sensitivity is a usual term among the people of 20-50 years age group. They often feel abrupt sensation while having tea, coffee, cold drink, ice cream. According to some study, 15% of total population are affected by dentin hypersensitivity (Ramlogan et al., 2016). Sensitivity is mainly caused due to diminishing gum; reduce of cementum layer from teeth. There is no specific treatment available to heal sensitivity. After sensitivity is felt, people need to consult their doctor first. Since doctors can only diagnose the real cause of their sensitivity and they can provide some good advice for oral care (Markowitz Pashley, 2015). Toothpaste plays a crucial role in healing dental sensitivity. There are many brands of toothpaste available today to help the victims of hypersensitivity. The following article concentrates on one of the most preferred sensitivity healing toothpastes Sensodyne Whitening. Since Sensodyne is a famous name in the dental world, the article is exploring the quality of the product, how it works, what impact it has upon the consumers. Product Description: Sensodyne is the mostly recommended name by the dentists to the victims of hypersensitivity. Sensodyne has promised to wash out the pain of people with sensitive teeth. Every toothpastes of Sensodyne assure four things- 1) relief from sensitivity 2) sensitivity protection for long time 3) refreshing taste 4) protection from cavity. Sensodyne Whitening is one of the most accepted products of Sensodyne brand. It is said and proved that use of Sensodyne Whitening twice daily can help someone with sensitivity. Even if someone feels sudden pain in teeth, he can apply small amount of paste on the teeth for fast relief ("Sensodyne - Best Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth", 2017). Price: Sensodyne Whitening is available in a feasible price, so that consumers can afford it easily to fight against the sensitivity. The price depends upon the quantity of the product. 110g Sensodyne Repair and Protect is available in $7.00. Organization: Sensodyne Whitening is the product of GlaxoSmithKilne (GSK). GSK is a UK based pharmaceutical company. It started its journey in 2000. It has launched the first toothpaste of Sensodyne brand in 2011. Gradually it started offering other effective toothpastes under the brand name of Sensodyne. In 2016, Sensodyne Whitening has been introduced by GSK ("Home | GSK", 2017). Target Market: Sensodyne Whitening is a popular name among all kinds of people. It has a huge target market as well. According to some report, 15% of total population is suffering from dentin hypersensitivity. They are experiencing sensitivity issues while having cold drink, tea, coffee or ice cream. As per the report, the people between 20-50 years are the main victims of hypersensitivity and as they consume tea, cold drink in regular basis, they have some issues of yellowish teeth as well (Goh, Corbet Leung, 2016). Sensodyne Whitening is offering them a product that fights against sensitivity and whitens the teeth at the same time. Since they lead a busy life, people of this age group do not get enough time to consult with doctor for minor health issues, especially for minor dental problems. They can use Sensodyne Whitening for betterment. Product Description: Sensodyne Whitening consists of Potassium Nitrate that helps to relief pain. It has pentasodium triphosphate, hydrated silica, sorbitol, aroma, titanium dioxide, sodium methyl cool, aroma, aqua, betain, xanthan gum. It provides fresh taste, white teeth, and refreshing breath ("Sensodyne - Best Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth", 2017). Product Function: Sensodyne Whitening repairs the gum affected by sensitivity and creates a barrier to protect teeth from sensitivity. It is a trusted name among the people suffering from hypersensitivity. It cleans out the stains from teeth and gives white and bright smile. USP: The term USP (Unique Selling Proposition) refers to a specific quality of a product that helps it to create unique brand image in market and differs it from other competitors (Henthorne, George Miller, 2016). Sensodyne is renowned for healing sensitivity issue. However, Sensodyne Whitening stands out from other Sensodyne products for its whitening capacity. One can get rid of his yellowish teeth by using Sensodyne Whitening on a regular basis. This is the USP of Sensodyne Whitening. Competitor: There are some other products also in the market that helps people to fight against sensitivity and remove stains of tea and coffee from teeth. However, Colgate Sensitive Pro relief is one of the biggest competitors of Sensodyne Whitening. It is also a well-known name among the consumers. Mr. Smith is a consumer of Sensodyne Whitening. He has started using Sensodyne Whitening from January. He is a victim of sensitivity. The sensitivity pain occurs while having tea, coffee or ice cream. Contact: Mr. Smith has contacted Sensodyne via phone. He gets the number from the packet of the toothpaste. Sensodyne provides a customer service number in their every pack, so that if any consumer faces problems after using their product they can contact them immediately. Complain: Being a victim of sensitivity, Mr. Smith experiences shooting pain every now and then. He has applied Sensodyne Whitening several times in small quantity on his gum for quick heal as mentioned in the Sensodyne pack. Yet it is not making any differences. It makes him disappointed. It leads him to call Sensodyne Customer Service to complain against the product quality. He has expressed his dissatisfaction over the phone and he is expecting a justification from Sensodyne. Customer Service: When the customer Care Service operator of Sensodyne Whitening receives the call from Mr. Smith he has listened to his complain carefully and writes it down. Then he has forwarded the call to his higher authority for some permanent solution. The manager of Sensodyne listens to complain of Mr. Smith sincerely and assures him to provide a solution. Although he has accepted that, it is mentioned in the pack that someone can rub small amount of paste to get fast relief, he clears the fact with sincerity that if someone is not getting any positive result after applying the paste on gums he must consult a dentist. Dentist can provide him better advice as may be he has some internal grievous issues in gums that cannot be healed by only using the paste. Sensodyne does not promise to solve the internal injuries. At last, Mr. Smith understands the real problem and stops blaming Sensodyne for his pain. Conclusion: As per the previous discussion, it can be concluded that Sensodyne Whitening helps its consumers to wash out sensitivity pain and yellow stains from teeth as well. It is a famous name among the people who use sensitivity relief toothpastes. It faces some competition in the market but it aims at providing clean and valuable service to its customer. This is how it becomes one of the most loyal toothpaste brands in the world ranking. Reference: Goh, V., Corbet, E. F., Leung, W. K. (2016). Impact of dentine hypersensitivity on oral health?related quality of life in individuals receiving supportive periodontal care.Journal of clinical periodontology,43(7), 595-602. Henthorne, T. L., George, B. P., Miller, M. M. (2016). Unique selling propositions and destination branding: A longitudinal perspective on the Caribbean tourism in transition.Turizam: znanstveno-stru?ni ?asopis,64(3), 261-275. Home | GSK. (2017). Markowitz, K., Pashley, D. (2015, January). Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment. InSpringer International Publishing. Ramlogan, S., Raman, V., Rees, J. S., Legall, G. (2016). A cross?sectional study of dentine sensitivity in periodontitis patients in Trinidad and Tobago.International journal of dental hygiene.` Sensodyne - Best Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth. (2017).

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Rising Healthcare Costs Costing Americans Quality Healthcare Essay Example

Rising Healthcare Costs: Costing Americans Quality Healthcare Paper Abstract   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   America is currently experiencing an economic crisis, and among the cries of the American public is the burden of increasing healthcare costs that have also suffered a marked decreased in quality. Using the current environment as a platform, healthcare industry leaders are proposing policy reforms that focus on ensuring quality healthcare provision in order to reduce the cost of healthcare in America. This is done in the hopes that by solving the issue of unsustainable healthcare costs, these policies can offer a partial solution to the financial problems facing America today. Rising Healthcare Costs: Costing Americans Quality Healthcare Introduction We will write a custom essay sample on Rising Healthcare Costs: Costing Americans Quality Healthcare specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Rising Healthcare Costs: Costing Americans Quality Healthcare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Rising Healthcare Costs: Costing Americans Quality Healthcare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The United States is currently undergoing an economic crisis of scales. Americans are experiencing the burdens imposed by higher oil costs, housing costs, food prices, increased unemployment rates, and the continuing inflation rates. The cost of providing basic needs to an average American family has gone up that families are not feeling the effects of wage hikes. The economic crisis befalling America is so widespread that it affects different facets of American living and one such important facet being affected is in Healthcare – an area Americans highly value. Already on average, American families are spending more on healthcare than they do on basic commodities – a fact that healthcare experts view as alarming. Not only has the cost of living become unreasonable, but it is also unreasonable that a large chunk of this cost is largely due to the cost of healthcare. What concerns healthcare leaders more is that, although healthcare costs are continuously increasing, the quality has not. It is this growing concern that has prompted leaders in the healthcare industry to call for a reform on present health care policies.   If there is any good at all that could be attributed to the economic crisis befalling America today is that the current crisis has cast into light the problem of high healthcare costs and low quality healthcare services. At the same time, the recent economic crisis â€Å"has created a ‘near perfect’ political storm† (Smith, 2008) that offers a window of opportunity for policy reforms, especially now that America is looking for a way to reduce the impact of a sloping economy. After all, the United States tends to gain financially by establishing policies that reinforce quality healthcare as a means towards decreasing healthcare costs thereby lending to a decrease in the overall expenditure average American families make annually. Definition of Terms   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To begin the discussion on the costs of quality in healthcare, certain terms must first be defined. In the economics of healthcare, quality has no right or wrong definition for it is a multidimensional concept and is primarily defined by varying perspectives (e.g., of the client, the client’s family, the community or the physician). It should be noted that â€Å"quality† can also have opposing definitions that operates at the same time, for example: a â€Å"provider’s technical accuracy of not giving injections conflicts with a parent’s expectations of a shot as the best available treatment.† Quality however, can still be defined as â€Å"technical accuracy† as a result of compliance with standards or as advocates of total quality management defines: â€Å"Doing the right thing, right, right way† (Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual, 2001, p.1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The dimensions of quality in health care include the following: technical performance, effectiveness of care, efficiency of service delivery, safety, access to services, interpersonal relations, continuity of services, physical infrastructure and comfort and lastly, choice.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Quality Assurance (QA) is then defined as any act that measures and improves upon standards of quality. Samples of such activities include medical supervision, medical bookkeeping, staff training, and patient education. It is composed of three levels: the tool, the approach and the program. QAs are mainly aimed at looking for problems in the â€Å"system and processes, not bad performers† (Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual, 2001 p.1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cost, similar to quality, also has varying definitions. Its definition is usually tied with the varying perspectives and as to who incurs the cost (Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual, 2001). Cost can be defined through any of the following economic jargons described as follows.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Financial cost – incurred expenses at a given time for the provision of a product, service or input (Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual, 2001). Opportunity cost – benefits forgone in the provision of alternate products or services (Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual, 2001).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Accounting cost – a cost not actually incurred but is used to reflect the real value of a product or service (Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual, 2001).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Shadow† prices – costs of goods and services â€Å"whose true value is not the same a s listed† (Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual, 2001, p.6).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In healthcare quality assurance, some of the costs that have the most value are the ones that are â€Å"unknown and unknowable† – costs that are results of poor quality that may not be immediately known or recognizable such as consumer dissatisfaction and health worker frustration (Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual, 2001, p.7). The three major categories of cost are personnel, capital and renewable resources (Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual, 2001). Cost of Quality is then defined as the quantified value of resources that were saved or lost in the delivery of (healthcare) services. It is both the â€Å"costs incurred in achieving or maintaining quality standards† and the â€Å"costs resulting from not achieving or maintaining quality standards† (Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual, 2001, p.9). The cost of quality has â€Å"four major components: prevention costs, appraisal costs, external failure costs and internal failure costs† (Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual, 2001, p. 9). The former two (prevention and appraisal) are costs associated with attaining and maintaining quality standards, while the latter two are the costs incurred from being unable to maintain or attain quality standards. Therefore, the relationship between cost and quality, as theorized by Ishikawa, is that of an inverse relationship—higher levels of quality lead to lower costs. The theory is based under the assumption that as quality increases, system wastes are reduced and productivity increases and â€Å"improved productivity implies that a product or a service can be produced at the lowest cost possible† (Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual, 2001 p.12). However, the facts imply that the relationship is more dynamic than what Ishikawa’s theory implies. The Problem Healthcare costs have always been on the rise. In fact, the continuous inflation of healthcare costs is often the culprit behind the changes that has shaped the healthcare industry during these past decades. Examples of such events were the â€Å"tipping points† that has occurred in the early and late 1980s to the early 1990s. The first tipping point in the healthcare industry happened in the early 1980s where a shift from full indemnity coverage to comprehensive major medical led to the giving-way of â€Å"100% first dollar coverage† to â€Å"$500 [or higher] deductibles† a change that occurred within a period of four years (Halvorson, 2005, n.p.). The second tipping point occurred years later, during the late 1980s and early 1990s when the healthcare industry shifted from completely unmanaged care into a managed care system. Both of these changes transpired as a reaction/adaptation to the rising costs of healthcare and resulted in â€Å"periods of relative pri ce stability at least until the harvest of low-hanging fruit and one time savings ran its course for each new direction† (Halvorson, 2005, n.p.). In the article by Halvorson in 2005 entitled Healthcare Tipping Points: Two Tipping Points, Cost and Quality, Promise to Forever Change the Healthcare Landscape as We Know It, the author warned that the healthcare industry at 2005 was already nearing the next tipping point. He points out that the environment was already ripe for this next tip. As early as 1994, results of economic studies indicate that healthcare has taken up more and more of the gross national product (GNP) and has no signs of stopping (Leibowitz 1994) — a sign that America is increasingly spending on healthcare year after year. In 2001, premiums for family coverage have outpaced wage hikes and inflation rates, rising to 78% compared to the 19% and 17% of the latter two respectively. The same premiums, in the years between 2000 and 2007, have more than doubled together with workers’ out-of-pocket costs in the periods between 2001 and 2007 (Baker, 2008). In 2005, healthcare costs were already in an upwa rd spiral of â€Å"unsustainable double digit increases† (Halvorson, 2005, n.p.). Employers are angry, frustrated and scrambling for â€Å"cost-shift strategies† that offer higher deductibles. Buyers are growing more concerned over increased costs that do not bring along increased quality care (Halvorson, 2005). Various reasons are offered as to how America’s healthcare industry has gotten to where it is now. Reasons for the increased costs include the increased unemployment rates (more than $900 of a family’s premium is used for the treatment of the uninsured), new expensive drugs and technologies, an ageing population, increased unnecessary medical consumption, excessive unnecessary procedures and operations, increased fear of malpractice suits and litigation, and a variety of other excessive costs. As it seems, in the year 2008, these â€Å"low-hanging fruits† produced by these two earlier tips have all been harvested, and healthcare costs have risen yet again much to the American public’s dismay. With all these increases, most everyone intuitively subscribe to the thought that â€Å"the more I pay for something, the better quality it has.† However, in the present healthcare situation, this is in fact quite surprisingly the opposite. In fact the quality of healthcare has even gotten worse. Over 98,000 Americans die annually as a result of medical errors — a trend that has gotten worse and worse as healthcare costs grew higher and higher. An explanation offered for this phenomenon is now that healthcare has been removed from the hands of the buying public (direct consumption) and is instead handled through third party contractors (managed care providers, HMOs, Medicare). The public has since viewed seeking medical care as relatively â€Å"free† and thus has become victim to over consumption. Over consumption leads to unnecessary tests and longer hospital stays that increase the chances for medical errors happening. Another possible cause according to Wennberg (cited in Smith, 2008) is that the current system rewards systems with poor quality. Medicare siphons more funding into such systems in order to provide for more tests and technologies while efficient quality systems receive nothing. This practice also allows for marginally competent and incompetent doctors to hide behind a barrage of test that are sometimes unnecessary. All these practices eventually lead to prolonged hospital stays and unnecessary procedures that puts the consumer directly in harms way while at the same time protects those who endangered the consumer in the first place. To cap it off, Dr. Denis Cortese states that the current system feeds off on the concept â€Å"the sicker the patient is, the more money you get† (cited in Smith, 2008, n.p.) . The Proposed Solution All the various papers and articles that have come out due to the issue of increased healthcare costs and decreased quality care offers numerous methods of solving the problem but all carry one unified message: reboot the system. It seems that Halvorson (2005) was correct when he said that â€Å"changes–in the way health care is delivered and financed–will, I believe, come not gradually, but much more quickly† (n.p.). A mere three years after this statement, America does indeed find itself at a tipping point amidst cries for policy reforms. As Baker (2008) pointed out: â€Å"About one third of all health care spending pays for poor quality [†¦] We can do better – and we can save money at a time when 47 million Americans are uninsured and tens of millions more worry about losing the coverage they have† (p. 3). These policy reforms, in large part, are all appealing for a new approach towards managing the costs of health care and that this approach is best served by enacting policies that will ensure and enhance the quality of healthcare America is receiving. This is largely due to the faith of healthcare leaders on the economic concept that increased quality can reduce costs for this concept has served other industries extremely well, surely, the health care industry cannot be immune to this economic phenomenon. Under this approach, leaders in healthcare suggest handing back the purchasing power to the consumer. No longer shall a third-party payer or the managed-care system decide for the client on what treatments the consumer would avail but instead inform consumers about their options. The idea behind this is that by allowing the consumer to â€Å"shop† for the services he needs effectively allows the patient to avoid excessive costs related to excessive use of medical services and avoid costs associated with the â€Å"paper pushing† administrative aspect of healthcare. This creates an incentive for the patient to use medical care efficiently. It is even proposed that the â€Å"savings† made from this approach can be used in a â€Å"medical savings account† (MSA) (Leibowitz, 1994). In this approach, the employer insures the patient and his beneficiaries with catastrophic plans only and instead allots part of the premiums paid into the MSA which the patient can u se to pay for small, routine medical bills. Any unused funds from the MSA can then be rolled into other accounts after retirement. Economizing medical care will hopefully encourage patients to be wise and efficient in seeking medical care (Leibowitz, 1994). The above approaches would also be supported by a system based on quality assurance. This system will allow for the public reporting of quality measures and the cost/quality data of doctors and hospitals. This will allow for a market that is competing in terms of costs and quality thereby creating a market for consumers that is both low cost and high quality (Lass, 2008). An example of this is approach is a research conducted in Pennsylvania which revealed the hospital cost of acquiring nosocomial infections, a cost amounting $185,260 and 20.6 days of hospital stay. A staggering amount when compared to $31,389 and 4.5 days—the average cost for individuals who did not acquire the infection. Having such data available to the healthcare network allows for the systems being employed by various healthcare institutions to be re-engineered. Having such data available to the public allows for the informed choosing of facilities to seek care from. Another example of how quality assurance can aid in decreasing the cost of healthcare is its ability to pinpoint the â€Å"wobbly cogs† of the healthcare system (Halvorson, 2005). For example, having identified that the costs in inconsistent healthcare spending lies in the 1% that actually utilizes the level of care offered by their premiums (30% of the cost) while the upper 5% accounts for 2/3 of the cost then a solution can be found by addressing the issues that make up the percentile. Halvorson (2005) adds that the â€Å"solution lies in identifying the specific chronic and acute conditions that move people into that high cost 5 percent bracket, and then systematically and consistently bringing to bear strategic, targeted, consistent, high-leverage interventions to keep those people from migrating to the high-cost end of the curve.† Conclusion The healthcare industry is currently at its worst shape in the history of America. Healthcare is now increasingly becoming unsustainable and unattainable. The quality of care has eroded and the system is highly fragmented and filled with â€Å"wobbly cogs.† All the literature cited in this paper decry the burden increasing healthcare costs have caused the American public, especially now that America is experiencing an economic recession of sorts. This is specifically why healthcare leaders and other advocate groups are using the current crisis as a platform to launch campaigns for policy reforms involving the healthcare industry, suggesting reforms that values quality assurance as a tool towards cutting the excessive costs associated with current practices in the healthcare industry. The main driving force behind this call is the view that by having policies that guarantee the quality of healthcare services allows for the smoother, more productive functioning of the healthcare system and that in the long run saves the American public dollars that would have been wasted trying to correct costs caused by â€Å"wobly parts.† By establishing policies that value quality healthcare, America gains back opportunity costs that otherwise would have been lost to a broken system thereby gaining financial advantage that may be used as a means towards decreasing the financial burdens American families face annually References Baker, A.H. (2008, June 3). Rising costs, low quality in health care: the necessity for reform. Senate Finance Committee Testimony. Retrieved on December 4, 2008 from Cost and Quality in Healthcare Reference Manual. (2001). Quality Assurance Project: Core Training Series. Bethesda, MD: Center for Human Services. Retrieved on December 4, 2008 from Halvorson, G.C. (2005). Healthcare tipping points: two tipping points, cost and quality, promise to forever change the healthcare landscape as we know it. Healthcare Financial Management. Retrieved on December 4, 2008 from;col1. Lass, S. (2008, January 21). Healthcare cost and quality. Computer Architecture, Cache, Health Care, U.S. Economy and Life. Retrieved on December 4, 2008 from Leibowitz, S. (1994, June 23). Policy analysis: why healthcare costs so much. CATO Institute. Cato Policy Analysis No. 211. Retrieved on December 5, 2008 from Smith, T. (2008, November 25). Health care leaders decry high costs, low quality care. Minneapolis Daily. Retrieved on December 5, 2008 from

Monday, November 25, 2019

civil rights1 essays

civil rights1 essays It had been almost one hundred years since the emancipation proclamation but still blacks were not truly free. Civil rights although were laws in the north, were not enforced to any extent of the law. From 1954 to 1972 the civil rights movement took on many changes. From leaders to tactics, the movement changed over and over again. On May 17, 1954 in Topeka Kansas, a court case changed the face of America. Brown vs. the Board of Education overturned the old Supreme Court decision Plessy vs. Ferguson which stated that all public facilities are to be separate but equal. The new decision stated that, separate facilities are inherently unequal. This new decision caused the first integration of public schools. In order to integrate though, President Eisenhower had to send in the National Guard to protect the students as they entered the school. There were other battles to be fought though. In 55 a little lady by the name of Rosa sat down on a bus and refused to get up for a white man. This one event exploded a movement all over the United States and right in the middle of the explosion was Martin Luther King Jr. King who had a whole new approach to opposition of segregation called passive resistance. King and his followers refused to take the bus because of the Rosa Parks incident. He also organized sit ins, where a group of black people would just sit at places that only white people were allowed to be. This form of nonviolence was effective in the south but not very effective in the north were segregation wasnt written down in laws but was practiced anyway. The third stage of progressive reform in the civil rights movement was the rise of black power. Its here that groups such as the nation of Islam, and the Black Panthers began to have huge followings and people such as Malcolm X, and Huey P. Newton, began to lead them. These new turn of events brought on great consequences. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Was the Commerce Clause portion of National Federation of Independent Essay

Was the Commerce Clause portion of National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius correctly decided - Essay Example This was due to a perception that the act gave individuals who did not acquire health insurance covers the charge that was to have their incomes taxed by the internal revenue service as a penalty1. They claimed that the congress which is responsible for making laws that govern them, was indulging them in a commercial responsibility of which should not be the case. I agree with this notion as it serves as a disagreement which is aimed at protecting the rights of the minority. They act also had another provision; the Medicaid expansion program. This provision stated that the various states that make up America should provide medical assistance to adults whose income is below 133% of the federal poverty line which I feel is a good idea. This overwrote the Medicaid program that was in place during the time that offered medical assistance to expectant women, children, needy families, the blind, the elderly and the disabled. The Medicaid expansion program was funded by the federal governme nt same as it used the previous Medicaid program. The act further stated that states that did not comply with the act would be denied the entire federal Medicaid funding2. This also did not augur well with some individuals as the national federation of independent business and also twenty six states were against it. They therefore moved to the federal district court to file a challenge against the individual mandate and the Medicaid expansion program. The court of appeal however held that the congress was working within its constitutional mandate while passing the clause on Medicaid expansion but at the same time, it lacked authority to enact the individual mandate. Chief justice Roberts in delivering the court’s opinion concluded that â€Å"the anti-injunction act does not bar the suit (US constitution part II of 648 F. 3d 1235)3. This was because the anti-injunction act stated that anyone who wished to sue for any tax must

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A summary of an article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A summary of an article - Essay Example covered with water but increasing unplanned use of the same, growing civilization as well as extensive development of current through water dams increasing the possibility of water shortage all over the globe. Not only the natural calamities are responsible for this, the growing trend of global warming, development of dam to develop hydropower, artificially manipulating the normal flow of the river to develop new civilization all are key reasons behind this growing threat of water scarcity â€Å"Many communities are revitalizing their rivers by tearing down dams that are no longer safe or serving a justifiable purpose.† Change in the climate condition making the chances of devastating floods more and more frequent. With the growing demand of water people are now using science and technology to control the normal flow and path of various rivers to make it feasible to develop civilization but at the same time it is making disaster quite obvious and more and more regular. To main tain the availability of the water it is very important for the people all over the globe to control the unnecessary wastage of the water. As a matter of fact â€Å"Conservation remains the least expensive and most environmentally sound way of balancing water budgets.† It is important for the people to review their own style of living, food pattern, and also must balance the use of both energy and water. Generally energy and water are very much interconnected with one another and also equally important for the civilization. People must make it sure that they keeping a balance between both to make water resource adequately available for the future generation as well as for the development of the

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Influence and Relationship of the Media in Poliyics Research Paper

The Influence and Relationship of the Media in Poliyics - Research Paper Example In this regard, media has various roles to play as far as politics of the day is concerned. First, the media inform the public about campaigns, elections and politics. However, while there is increasing demand for information, there is cynicism in the world against both the media and politicians for spearheading negative coverage of campaigns and media bias. What failed to be addressed are the influence of the government to the media, as well as, the influence media does on the government. The media influence the way of politics through taking part in nomination processes. It turns the nomination process into a horse race. Through this process, some part of the public get influenced by the politician who seems popular and through the media, the candidates get to sale the policies thereby increasing their chances of going through. Secondly, the media influence issues voters care about in elections and criteria the voters use in evaluating candidates. This it does through issue framing . It makes the voter view it the way it does. There exists a cyclical relationship between the public, media, and the government. Media can shape public opinion, as well as, influence voter through communicating. This is through influencing the voters on the issues that are important and those that are less and thus convince them about the issues to think about. The media play an important role in altering the perceptions of the voters, attitude, and behavior. The media in this case reinforces and shapes voters view point. Thirdly, media places a spotlight on issues they know the public might be concerned with. Existing evidence indicate that what seems to appear in print has substantial impacts on how citizens think. For example, where the media cites as important problems to be addressed is taken up by the public to be the gospel truth. However, the government in a way dictates the media's content where the media regularly uses the public officials as sources of news. A biased med ia shapes views of the people at election time and the media dictates what should be viewed by the voters. In this case, media influences the voters’ attitude and is very effective while acting as sport light. Since it is the only way to channel campaign information, media influence issues voters consider when evaluating a political candidate and criteria upon which the voters charge the politicians Fourthly, the media can set the political agenda through focusing on certain issues and influence the issues the government and the public ought to be concerned with. In this regard, it influences they way the public makes the decision about voting. For example, through the regular angering of news collected from various parts of the country, the public and the government get to understand certain things of concern. The media focus on the president when things go wrong such as health care and other social amenities. The way the president responds to such issues matters a great dea l and it influence the way people vote in the wrong run. This is in the context of belief that media is prone to strong political bias, and that seem true to some extent, and has a significant effect on shaping the views of the voter. The area the newspapers take a firm a stand on, is that to do with editorials. This area largely dictates how people view publications. It is argued that media outlets take up distinctive stand that remain consistent for a period of time. Whether that is true or not, it is

Friday, November 15, 2019

Effects of Level of Nutrition on Milk Yield and Composition

Effects of Level of Nutrition on Milk Yield and Composition Effects of Level of Nutrition on Milk Yield and Composition of Cows Fed Natural Grazing and Offered Different Supplements, in South Kordofan, Sudan ABSTRACT: Three feed ingredients that were locally used as supplements and fed to dairy cattle were offered to three groups of dairy cows while one group was considered as control and left on the natural grazing only and another one was offered a ration formulated to meet maintenance and production requirements. Milk quantity and its composition were monitored for 40 days. The results showed that supplementation of cows with 1.5 kg of any feed ingredient resulted in increment of milk production compared with those left on the natural grazing alone. Supplementation with oil seed cakes or cotton seeds was better as supplements than sorghum grains in promoting milk production. The highest performance was achieved with the group was fed 1.0 kg of formulated ration. The milk yield increased linearly (p

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Reality Versus Perception in the Kasdan Films, Grand Canyon and Mumford

Reality Versus Perception in the Kasdan Films, Grand Canyon and Mumford All of knowledge is founded on axioms: assumptions that are agreed upon for stability. However, since those axioms are assumptions and cannot be proven without a doubt, nothing ca truly be known with absolute certainly. Still, in order to carry on with life, assumptions have to be made. Knowing this, the task becomes making assumption that are more educated and, given the lack of certainty, ones that matter. Furthermore, the assumption of others can be examined more accurately with this knowledge in mind. The most important of these assumptions, and in many cases points of debate, is the nature of reality. The old world thought the matters of the spirit to be truly real, or ethereal, as opposed to the physical world. The modern period, on the other hand, held that sense perception was the only evidence that was concrete and that reality was only that which could be corroborated by sense perception. This gradual shift that occurred endeavored to transform humanity’s vi ew of reality from the ethereal to the physical. The fact of the matter, however, is that the modern period had no more indubitable evidence for believing in a physical reality than the people before it had for believing in an ethereal reality. As a result, the current time of postmodernism is fragmented in a disarray of those two realities and countless variations thereof. The world today is trying to figure out constantly what actual reality is, whether it truly is ethereal or physical. This trend can be observed in media to a large degree. The case here is that the Kasdan films Grand Canyon and Mumford are portraying this social struggle in the bifurcation of postmodernism.... ...lso that the reality of events throughout time is variable and relative. The nature of things commonly understood as good or bad are not necessary one or the other, but may change. Reality is a matter of perception. Whether reality is truly ethereal or actually physical in nature is determined, for the duration of life, by the living. Given this, it can also be conceived that no one knows the nature of what is happening to anyone as being positive or negative. No one even knows whether the nature of events is a constant factor, since finding that reality may be variable insinuates also that the nature of anything and everything may also be subject to change. So in truth, this inquisition, in some ways, is back at the starting point. However, there is an advantage in knowing what potential ignorance exists as opposed to being ignorant of that very ignorance.